To all of those whose homes, workplaces, or communities were affected by the wildfires, we want you to know that the thoughts and prayers of the Federation are with you. NAHB and the California Building Industry Association are working together closely to monitor the developing situation and support response efforts.
For Members Who Can Help Rebuild
For members who are willing and able to help communities rebuild, NAHB has the following tools available on
- How Home Builders Can Help Their Communities Rebuild After a Disaster guide. This resource offers tips to help your business effectively respond to your community’s needs in the wake of the wildfire.
- Disaster safety videos for builders on preparing for and responding to natural disasters. The videos are available in both English and Spanish.
- Retrofit Improvements: Making Homes Safer in Disasters page, a collection of NAHB and HUD-developed guides for refitting existing housing to be more resilient after disasters.
To help educate consumers about the rebuilding process, the resource hub has customizable resources. Examples of information available include:
- “Don’t Get Scammed: Find a Qualified Contractor” consumer article to add to your website or share on your social media channels.
- Social media images to help educate your community on how to avoid scam contractors.
- “Protect your Home from Wildfires using Fire-Resistant Construction” is a customizable consumer article to share with your clients as they prepare their homes for wildfires.
For Members Who Need Rebuilding Assistance
Many federal agencies have wildfire and disaster assistance available. The following is a list of government resources for disaster response for businesses and jobsites:
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency assistance information is available on the California wildfires disaster resources page.
- The U.S. Small Business Administration’s disaster assistance page outlines the types of assistance and resources available to businesses impacted by natural disasters.
- provides information and applications for individuals and households within the impacted area to apply for federal disaster assistance.
- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a dedicated wildfire response page with QuickCards and Fact Sheets that provide details about hazards in burned areas.
- Environmental Protection Agency’s Wildfire Response page compiles information about housing and construction-related topics such as post-disaster debris removal and toxic hazards.